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Nieuwkerke Churchyard


Nieuwkerke (Neuve-Eglise)Churchyard is located 12 Kms south of Ieper town centre, on a road leading from the Kemmelseweg (N331) which connects Ieper to Kemmel and onto Nieuwkerke. From Ieper town centre the Kemmelseweg is reached via the Rijselsestraat, through the Lille Gate (Rijselpoort) and straight on towards Armentières (N336). 900 metres after the crossroads is the right hand turning onto the Kemmelseweg (made prominent by a railway level crossing).

After passing the village of Kemmel the N331 continues for 4 Kms towards Nieuwkerke. On reaching Nieuwkerke the first right hand turning leads onto Kemmelstraat. The churchyard is located 80 metres along the Kemmelstraat on the left hand side of the road and facing the Market Place.

Decimal50.746222.82622 Map
Nieuwkerke Churchyard

Historical Information

Nieuwkerke (also known as Neuve-Eglise) was captured by the Germans on 14th April 1918, after a stubborn defence by the 49th (West Riding) and 33rd Division, and remained in their hands until it was retaken by the 36th (Ulster) Division on 2nd September.

The churchyard was used by field ambulances and fighting units at intervals during the war, particularly, in the early days, by the Cavalry and the 5th Division.

Nieuwkerke Churchyard

During the Second World War, the British Expeditionary Force was involved in the later stages of the defence of Belgium following the German invasion in May 1940, and suffered many casualties in covering the withdrawal to Dunkirk.

Nieuwkerke Churchyard contains 92 Commonwealth burials of the First World War and ten from the Second World War.

There are also four war graves of other nationalities within the churchyard.

Nieuwkerke Churchyard

Belgian and French military graves

Major Clive Dixon

Major Clive Dixon
16th (The Queen’s) Lancers
Died on 5th November 1914 aged 44
Son of Sir Raylton and Lady Dixon
of Gunnergate Hall, Marton
Husband of Lilian Dixon
of Chapelgarth, Great Broughton, Cleveland, Yorks

Grave: J 2

Strong and of good courage
Sans peur et sans reproche

His inscription alludes to the Chevalier Bayard (Pierre Terrail, 1476-1524) who became known for his chivalry whilst fighting for France. A superb cavalry commander whose fearlessness had won or saved the day on many a battlefield.

The Frenchman, Général Ernest Barbot, would become France’s Bayard of the Great War and a statue to him was raised close to where he fell at Souchez in May 1915.

Other cemeteries in the area