Euston Post was the name given to a strong point on the north-east side of the Éstaires-la-Bassée road, about a kilometre north-west of Port Arthur. The Euston Post Cemetery is on the same side of the road towards Éstaires and Laventie.
GPS | N | E | OSM |
Decimal | 50.593934 | 2.761436 | Map |
Euston Post was the name given to a strong point on the North-East side of the Éstaires-la-Bassée road, about 800 metres North-West of Port Arthur. The name of the Cemetery is due to a light railway made in the War and known as The London and North Western.
The cemetery was begun in an orchard in January 1915, and was used until the following October. There are now over 40, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, a small number are unidentified. The Cemetery covers an area of 844 square metres and is enclosed by a rubble wall on three sides.
Private Edward Duddy 7418
1st Bn Worcestershire Regiment
Died on 5th February 1915
Private James Yule S/6806
2nd Bn Black Watch
Royal Highlanders
Died on 19th April 1915 aged 18
Son of Mrs Helen Yule
of 29 Oliver Park, Hawick, Roxburghshire
Grave: C 1