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Webmatters : Sains lès Marquion Churchyard

Sains lès Marquion Churchyard


Sains-lès-Marquion is a village about 12 km north-west of Cambrai and 2 km south of the D939, Arras to Cambrai road.

Decimal50.194893.07267 Map

Historical Information

The one British grave can be found in the western corner of the churchyard.

Sain les Marquion Churchyard
Pilot Officer Iain Moorwood

Pilot Officer Iain Moorwood 42253
111 Sqdn Royal Air Force
Died on 19th May 1940 aged 21
Son of James and Dorothy Moorwood, of Boscombe, Hampshire

In cherished memory
Until we meet again

Other cemeteries in the area