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Webmatters : Sauchy-Cauchy Communal Cemetery Extension
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Sauchy-Cauchy Communal Cemetery Extension


Sauchy-Cauchy is a village in the Department of the Pas-de-Calais, 3 km north of the main Arras to Cambrai road (D939) and about 4 km from Marquion.

Sauchy-Cachy Communal Cemetery Extension is on the north side of the Communal Cemetery, which is located in the Rue de l’Égalité alongside the Canal du Nord.

Decimal50.233203.09161 Map
Sauchy-Cauchy Communal Cemetery Extension

Historical Information

The village of Sauchy-Cauchy was captured by the 56th (London) Division on the 27th September 1918.

The Communal Cemetery Extension was made by the 56th Division in September and October 1918; and after the Armistice 14 graves of March and April 1918, were brought in from the German Extension, and nine of April 1917 — September 1918, from the battlefields to the North and South of Sauchy-Cauchy.

This cemetery contains the graves of 54 casualties of the First World War, three of which are unidentified.

The Extension was designed by G H Goldsmith.

Sauchy-Cauchy Communal Cemetery

There are two graves in the Communal Cemetery

Lance Corporal H Morris

Lance Corporal H Morris 6314
6th Bn Machine gun Corps
Died on 21st March 1918 aged 21
Brother of John Morris
of 26, Hindley St., Chorley, Lancs

Grave: B 4

Rifleman G Bennett

Rifleman G Bennett 43511
King’s Royal Rifle Corps
Posted to :
London Regiment (Queen’s Westminster Rifles)
Died on 27th September 1918 aged 20
Son of George and Sarah Bennett
of 20, Bank St., Bradley, Bilston

Grave: A 16

Other cemeteries in the area