La Boisselle is a village about 5 kilometres north-east of the town of Albert on the D 929 road to Bapaume.
It is easily visible on your right as you enter the village from Albert. From Bapaume turn left at the crossroads at the far exit of the village.
There are suitable places to park a vehicle along the side of the slip road.
GPS | N | E | OSM |
Decimal | 50.01858 | 2.68743 | Map |
As you come over the final hill before dropping down to La Boisselle you are passing Usna Hill on your left and Tara Hill on your right and it would be nice to be able to think of the road being a neat dividing line, but this wasn’t the case.
On the right of the main road was the 34th Division made up for the most part of men from the Tyneside. However their boundary stretched across the main road from the crossroads (near their monument) and up along the road that leads towards Ovillers Military Cemetery on the left.
The Tyneside Monument marks the front line and this would also have been the point where the two opposing lines were at their closest on the III Corps front.
With the village still capably defended the Tyneside Scots and Irish were badly punished in no man’s land. Pressing on with great gallantry most fell before reaching the German front line.
The Tyneside Memorial Seat was unveiled by Maréchal Foch and was the first regimental memorial erected on the road. It commemorates both the Tyneside Scottish and Tyneside Irish Brigades in their struggle to capture the ground either side of La Boisselle.
If the bushes are not too overgrown there is a short inscription on the rear of the monument which explains how the land has been donated by the commune to the honour and memory of the men from the two brigades.
Just across to your right and in the field (Which is private) you can easily make out the remains of the Glory Hole.