Longueval is a village approximately 13 kilometres east of Albert and 10 kilometres south of Bapaume. The Memorial is situated on a terrace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, which lies a short distance west of Longueval, on the south side of the road to Contalmaison.
GPS | N | E | OSM |
Decimal | 50.02623 | 2.79206 | Map |
The Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial, commemorates more than 1,200 officers and men of the New Zealand Division who died in the Battles of the Somme in 1916, and whose graves are not known.
This is one of seven memorials in France and Belgium to those New Zealand soldiers who died on the Western Front and whose graves are not known.
The memorials are all in cemeteries chosen as appropriate to the fighting in which the men died.
Both Caterpillar Valley Cemetery and the memorial were designed by Sir Herbert Baker.
Some of these have become rather faded with time
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At Grevillers, slightly south of Bapaume, you will find the New Zealand Memorial to the Missing of 1918.